Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Day 27

Just three more days!!

Anyway, I am feeling a little better today. Still no word from my command, the waiting is killing me. Although lately I have been feeling like maybe it will be better if they just kicked me out of the Army. Then I can just move to Sacramento and be close to my family and go back to school and continue to progress in my new life. Although then the cat will be out of the bag about my alcoholism. Can't exactly hide getting booted from the military, and then of course it will follow me for the rest of my life. Fortunatly both my DUI's happened on a military post, so they shouldn't affect my insurance, because I will have not been officially convicted of a crime. At least that is what happened with my first one, because we are punished under Article 15, non-judical punishment. Of course my first one happened in Germany, so maybe that had something to do with it. Who know's. Well, I am going to take advantage of my time while I can.

Friday, I am going to go to a meeting in Salt Lake with my sponsor and collect my 30 day chip. It will really only be day 29, but I won't be able to make it to a meeting on Sat, and I want that chip. This has been the longest I have gone without a drink since Afghanistan, and the longest I have gone with out a smoke and a drink since Basic Training. Then after the meeting we are going to go out to lunch and go over my !st step assignment that he has me writing. Taking an inventory of my drinking over the years. It should be quite eye opening I'm sure. Then I will be spending the rest of the weekend with my girlfriend. We are going to go miniature golfing and maybe see a movie and do sober stuff. Thank god she doesnt really ever drink. One of the advantages of dating someone that lives in Utah. I haven't told her about AA yet but I think that when I do she will be supportive. Anyway, almost time to leave work. I got a volleyball game tonight, so wish me luck. I am only one of two people on our team that is any good, so you never know what might happen. I hope you had a sober day. Take Care.


Bill said...

My best play in volleyball was when a ball bounced off the top of my head and over the net for a point.
Congratulations on your progress. It sounds like you are keeping your spare time filled with good activities. Each day without a drink is making progress, even if it doesn't feel that way all the time.

dAAve said...

I hope you decide to finish your stint in the service. Doing the right thing will follow you for the rest of your life too.

Zanejabbers said...

I like your sponsor having you write your first step. That can be very powerful. Sounds like you are headed in the right directions. Keep trudging the road to happy destiny.